On Valentine's Day, everyone would hand out there stuff and you couldn't wait to see what was left in your bag!!
Well head on over to Tiny Prints to get that excitement back!! With their precious new line of kids valentine cards, photo valentine cards, valentine party invitations, and even valentine stickers, they have all that you need for that perfect day.

I let Wyatt look through their selection and he was so excited about the Moonstruck Martian he chose!

Let the folks over at Tiny Prints take care of all your Valentine needs this year, and thanks to them, one lucky ready will win a $50 gift certificate to shop with!!!
How to Win:
1. Head on over to Tiny Prints and design a Valentine card for you or your little one. Make sure you "Save to Favorites" the card you design, and note that this requires that you log in to Tiny Prints. You can NOT win if your card is not saved to your favorites!
Additional Entries (leave each entry as a separate comment):
2. Tell me one thing different that Tiny Prints does.
3. Blog about this giveaway.
4. Follow my blog.
5. Subscribe via email to my blog.
6. Follow me on Twitter (whatmommiesneed) or tweet about this giveaway.
7. Favorite me in Technorati.
Contest ends at 11:59pm CST on January 25th. Prizes must be claimed in 72 hours on they will be forfeited. Contest open to U.S. residents only.
You must leave valid email to be eligible!!
You must leave valid email to be eligible!!
I love the Cupcake Crush card!! Simple and very CUTE.
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I tweeted! (kgail11)
I let Connor pick one and he picked out the Technically Smitten, the robot one. It's too cute. thanks.
I follow your blog.
I follow you on twitter, tweety24.
I like the Furry Friends card and I saved it on Tiny Prints.
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I follow on Twitter (simplyandreah)
I personalized and saved ours which will be the Heart Srpinkle Card.
swinging sweethearts is adorable
something they do different- use recycled paper and give you that choice if you want it
Thank you so much for this giveaway. My favorite card is the Swinging Sweetheart, which I saved to my favorites. Thanks so much.
saved to faves
My favorite is Monkey Love. I LOVE Tiny Prints.
Thanks for having such a great giveaway.
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
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tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
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tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
Added to Technorati Faves (kalikrush)
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
I love the Reptile Rapture cards. My sons are really into dinosaurs right now, and they’d love to hand these out at school. I registered on the site and saved the card in my favorites. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love the "stitched hearts" card !
I subscribed !
I saved Monkey Love, because I love Monkeys and checklists as shown inside!
Saved it under email cheyli @ hot mail.com, though, NOT my blogger email.
They do this differently: Countless ways to personalize your cards (change any of the text on any of our cards), Professional Designers perfect every card order, Four Sets of Eyes review each card order to ensure you'll never see a typo, bad photo or imperfection.
follow you here!
Sent in a request to follow you on twitter as cheyli
subscribed google reader
I saved Dino Hearts as a favorite! So cute! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I just became a follower! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I like Cupcake Crush!
I am a subscriber!
I am following you on Twitter.
Username: wastebasket
I love the 'Memory Lane' card, perfect for my little boy!
I'm a Blogger follower.
It's great that Tiny Prints allows you to store up to 20 photos in your account!
I saved to favorites the Ladybug Love in honor of my littlest granddaughter who loves them. They seem to show up whenver she visits
Something different they do is beside cards they have favors
I follow your blog
I'm a subscriber
The Furry Friends card is too sweet!
I love the Enchanted Princess design! thank you!
Tiny Prints also makes baby announcements. thank you!
i love cupcake crush!
My kids would love the Cupcake Crush design.
I would love to try the Baby Money cards! It looks cool! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I like the Cupcake Crush. I actually already had it saved.
I follow your blog.
I follow you on twitter. Name-donnak4
I subscribed.
I faved you on technorati.
The Cupcake Crush card is so cute!
I subscribed via email.
Something different that Tiny Prints does is give you the choice of using recycled paper.
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