Sunday, December 14, 2008

I got an AWARD!!!!

You like me, you really like me??!!

I am new at this and so excited that I just got my first award!!!

Thanks to Bridgette, for the "Your Blog is Fabulous" Award!

The rules for this one is to admit my 5 addictions and then pass it onto another 5 blogs…

Hello. My name is Renee and I am addicted to…

1. Cheetos Puffs.

2. Make-up. Really can anyone have enough?

3. Blogging. It is so addictive.

4. Chocolate. I will try it in almost any form.

5. My monthly budget. I can't buy without thinking about it.

And now, I bestow this award to:

2. The Hip Hostess (Ashley)

4. Blog Candy Designs (Rachel)

5. A Nut in a Nutshell (blueviolet)


Hope I did this right!!LOL


Anonymous said...

That's so sweet of you! Thank you so much. It's my first award too!


Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Renee! I've tagged you here.